A friend sent me the following article about the U.N.'s recent announcement that they think handing out free condoms to help fight population growth will help prevent global warming. The assumption is that people are the cause of global warming therefor if there is less of us than the global warming phenomenon will slow down.
"LONDON – The battle against global warming could be helped if the world slowed population growth by making free condoms and family planning advice more widely available, the U.N. Population Fund said Wednesday.
The agency did not recommend countries set limits on how many children people should have, but said: "Women with access to reproductive health services ... have lower fertility rates that contribute to slower growth in greenhouse gas emissions.""
For the sake of today I am going to skip the issue of global warming and talk about children.
God sees children as a blessing, EVERY CHILD, EVERY WHERE IN THE WORLD, no matter how rich or poor, no matter what the government they live under says. Exodus 1: 7 connects children to the might of Israel. "The Israelites were fruitful and increased greatly, multiplying, and became exceedingly mighty so that the land was filled with them. " Satan never sees children as a blessing and the Pharaoh of Egypt seeing the might of the Israel in its children began a campaign against the Israelites out of FEAR.
Exodus 1 vs 12 says the more the Pharaoh afflicted them, the more they multiplied and the more they spread out. God's blessing in their time of affliction was the children! They had no money. They were required to work in terrible conditions as slaves.. They owned nothing for themselves. Despite their circumstances the population of Israel swelled. Pharaoh continued to fear what would happen as the strength of Israel was in its children. When the bitterness of the conditions of lives that were imposed on them by the Pharaoh the blessing of God continued. The Pharaoh went to the midwives and ordered them to put to death any son that was born. The midwives FEARED GOD and did not do as the Pharaoh said. Exodus 1 vs. 20 says, "So God was good to the midwives and the people multiplies and became very mighty.
It caught my eye that in the article the UN understands that giving woman access to reproductive health services is an indicator of lower fertility rates. By access to reproductive health services they really mean, birth control and abortion. How very different from the midwives of Exodus who understood that God's blessing on a people is its children.