Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lessons In Manhood

Our family sat down to the table last night after being apart to various activities all day. Everyone was excited to share the events of their day. I had fixed a wonderful meal. Caesar side salads, Teriyaki potatoes, a whole oven BBQ chicken and a strawberry mousse for desert. Everything looked nice and smelled good. As we are eating my DYS says, "You know who makes good chicken. Mrs. Pastors wife makes the best chicken." Everyone else at the table new the phopa that had just been created except for the phobaee who continued on to exclaim the virtues of this chicken cooked by another woman. I decided that God had just handed me an opportunity to teach DYS a lesson that would, if he learned it now, bless his wife later. So, I calmly looked at DYS and said, "Dear son, I would give you a piece of advice. Do not ever sit at my table in front of the chicken that I have slaved over all day and compliment another woman's chicken. Further more some day when you are married the only woman's whose cooking you should ever compliment is your wife's. " Mr. chimed in seconding my counseling as wise based on his own experiences in this area. We all got a good laugh out of that!