Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday December 7, 2009

Monday December 7, 2009

Outside my window


Just a couple inches last night but we are expecting a winter storm to come in tonight and stay until sometime Wednesday leaving us with 8-12 inches! I am hoping to be snowed in tomorrow!

I am thinking
"A mind grows orderly in sympathetic surroundings." Are my surroundings sympatheitc?

From the learning Room

Another week with plenty of distractions and real life mixed in. I have to continually refocus myself to know that home education is not always about school books, meeting deadlines, and grading papers. Its about the people that live in this home.

From the kitchen

Friday - pizza

Saturday - cheese stuffed shells

Sunday - left overs

Monday - Chili

Tuesday - kids choice

Wednesday - Tomato soup and grill cheese sandwiches

Thursday - waffles

I am wearing

a red plaid skirt and black sweater turtlenck

I am praying

May I have the strength and the will to do the humble tasks, that make a house a fit abode for my loved ones. Clean floors, shinning china, dainty curtains, clean sheets, good food, a chery fire- May willing hands make these things possible.
But father, let me remember that man does not live by bread alone, that material things but make a proper setting for lifes real treasures of mind and spirit. Give me patience and understanding and kindness and humor and love in abundance and charity for all. May the spirit of happiness, of joys and sorrows shared, of unity, of the peace that passeth understanding linger here.

Help me to keep the path open to thee... Open and easy to find for the little ones in my keeping. And let there be laughter here. And last Lord, help me to remember the stranger without the door. May there be warmth enough on our hearth to share with him.
Is is too much for one so weak, so full of faults as I to ask? At least it can be a goal towards which to strive, and to thee all things are possible.

Mrs. Howard Peet

I am reading

Ezekial - the first three chapters

Luke - chapter 13 and 14

Advent devotional readings

I am hearing

way to much activity for my frame of mind!

Around the house

A few plans for the rest of the week

Tonight is our co-op performance night. Each age level is going to be performing a little skit or singing a Christmas song. The oldest students are performing a light house drama. Tuesday we have class 9 of class 10 of our foster adoption classes. Tae Kwondo, piano and youth group on Wednesday, Thursday art class, a birthday party on Saturday and I am off to the tea room on Sunday for my annual Christmas tea with my mother and sister.

One of my favorite things
Every year for the past 21 years my Mr. has purchased me a hallmark ornament for Christmas. The picture below is this years ornament. It is a christmas tree farm. When you push the button the trucks move and music plays. I love my ornaments because each year is its own record of our family and our love.