Christian literature has become big business with a high demand. There are Christian book store all over with wide selections and varieties of materials. It seems as though there is a Christian book for every topic under the sun. As a vigorous reader and consumer of literature as well as a librarian of a Christian church library I have read A LOT of Christian material. It is an amazing thing to have access to so much material that encourages us in our faith and walk. I can read testimonies from all over the world that I might never have otherwise heard. I can discover what other people are experiencing and learning in their walks with Christ. I am thankful to enjoy my hobby of reading without foul language and sexual themes in the literature. Yet, if I am not careful I will be led astray by the false and deceptive doctrines of man. The Christian culture is largely ignorant of scripture. There is an absence of doctrine and a lack of theological understanding that pervades the church today. I believe that in part this is because we spend all of our free reading time reading material that is "Christian" in nature but not of Christ. In the movie Inkheart, the main character Mo tells his daughter that, "the written word is a powerful thing. You have to be very careful with it."
If we are not grounded in the word, there is no way that we can read anything else and have any discernment about what we are reading. Books are written by man and therefore they are filled with the thoughts of man. When we read them and take them for doctrine we are often led astray. I believe that the primary reason over 50 percent of Christians do not have a Christian world view is because they fill their heads with Christian literature instead of Scripture. This is the case in every area of the Christian walk. Recently a friend asked me what parenting books I would recommend. She has no children but teaches and wanted to study and learn about discipline and discipleship. I have several books that I consider to be amazing parenting books that I could have recommended. Instead, I asked her if she had studied what Scripture says about this topic. She had not, and I strongly suggested she start there before delving into other literature. Our parenting should line up with what God's word says not what someone else thinks or interprets and then adds to. The same could be said about every area and sphere of our lives. Scripture has something to say about it!
Most churches no longer teach straight from the word. They teach from Christian books. Bible studies and sermons are often based on Christian literature. Their church models are based on books. Every week is about the newest greatest and latest. The problem with this is that next week there will be another latest and greatest. With congregations not soaked in the word they are easily let astray into the philosophies of man. There are several mega churches who spread this philosophy and yet now two large ministries (Willow Creek and James Dobson) have had to admit that they have failed in their mission.) They failed because Christian literature is NOT the word of God. God's word is different from that written by the divine influence of God. Scripture tells us that the word of God is helmet of salvation and sword of the spirit. (Eph 6:17) In Hebrews 4:12 we are told that " the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."
" All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." God's word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path! (Psalm 119:105) No mere book is all of that and no mere book should ever be treated as if it is on the same level as the Word of God.