In doing some research for my daughters history curriculum I discovered that September 12th is considered national constitution day. Who knew? Not I. So in the theory of better late than never, I thought that I would mention it and give a few thoughts on the current state of our country.
What made America the greatest country in the world was not that it was the greatest form of government, different from the rest of the world, capitalism, Republican or democratic. It was the individuals who as a collective majority had lives dedicated to the service of Christ and who sought to live in His service making their decisions based on an elevated understanding that meant more to them than just their immediate needs and wants. It was bigger then them and it was multigenerational in understanding. It depended upon each person in this country living out their individual lives in holiness before their creator, dedicated to their God and dedicated to the cause of this great experiment. Personal holiness and personal responsibility. People like George Washington who served two terms and then went home because he did not want to be King. People like the men who signed the constitution and lost their families, their fortunes, and their lives. They did it because they knew that they were securing the rights and liberties of the future generations.
These things have fallen by the way side, only remembered by a few. The rest of the uneducated public simply want to get their Obama money. They don't care that their great grandchildren are now indebted in their quest for "free" health care or that their great great grand children's lives will be significantly less prosperous than what they experienced. They are willing to throw future generations away simply so that they can have their cake and eat it right now.
On a more light hearted note, you should hop over to the National Constitution Center and find out which founding father you are most like! I am James Madison: Diligent Scholarly, and Shy! The father of the constitution.