Christmas has come under attack in recent years. Children in schools can no longer sing Christmas carols, have Christmas parties or take a Christmas break. It is now called the winter break. Last year, exclaiming Merry Christmas to a customer in a store was taboo. Happy Holidays or some other generic utterance was the preferred winter greeting. The culture, while celebrating gift giving and winter hates Christ, who is the gift to all of mankind!
Halloween on the other hand, has surpassed sales for every other holiday except Christmas. People spend money on Halloween costumes, host Halloween parties, and buy tons of candy. Schools throw Halloween parties, costume days, and have candy exchanges. Whole cities turn on their house lights for children to come to their door and get candy. The myth of neutrality is a lie from Satan! It lulls us into believe that we can do things that are not of Christ and because we are not directly worshiping Satan, be neutral in the activity. While all the good churched Christian's children were off participating in this pagan holiday, the costumes have gotten raunchier and more violent and the jokes dirty. A perfect example of the world influencing the church instead of the church influencing culture. The culture loves Halloween. Why? Because, it has nothing to do with Christ!
This is another area where Christians look like the world, act like the world, and put Christ on a shelf while they attempt to Christianify a pagan holiday. To make it okay, lets associate some scripture verses while we carve the pumpkin. Or, lets have a fall party as an alternative but while it is called a fall party, it looks just like the Halloween party down the street with the same games, same costumes, and same jokes. The only difference is the label. I understand replacement theory, I just don't agree with it. Many people simply don't want their kids to miss out. If our kids can't sacrifice Halloween for Christ, will they be willing to die for him on the mission field or will they just become more wimpy and inconsequential than today's postmodern Christian.
The church half heartily prays for revival but until it REPENTS there can be no revival.