Outside my window summer in Iowa has arrived! Its not that its hot its just HUMID. If you look at the ground long enough I swear you can see it raining up! We had big strong storms last yesterday and last night which left us with much needed rain. I was thankful we took the tree down when we did because I don't think it would have stayed up in the wind we had.
I am thinking about how fed up I am with the government. Using junk science and a humanistic world view they are destroying our country. In just a few months the cultural landscape of this country has radically shifted. I am tired of them stealing my money through immoral and illegal taxation as well as being told what I have to do. Seriously, can anyone keep up with all the laws being passed. Just in my little community I have had to consult the city for every bush, fence, pool, chicken, remodeling decision that we have made. Half the time they don't know, or one person tells us one thing and someone else tells us another. Is personal responsibility and freedom truly gone?
I am thankful for a quiet morning. There is something about laying in bed awake while everyone else sleeps and just listening to God.
From the learning room; Our first week of school went well. I took the suggestion of a friend and put a grading sheet in front of each subject for daily grades. Then on Friday I entered all of the grades onto my computer excel spreadsheet from Donna Young's web sight. I did not check all papers every day but instead decided to do it every other day.
From the kitchen;
Friday - pizza
Saturday - bbq chicken, sweet corn, salad
Sunday - eating at our church's out reach event called Fun In The Park
Monday - picnic at local lake with small group. I am packing subway
Tuesday - Grill cheese and tomato soup. Its way to warm for this but everyone is missing soup.
Wednesday - grilling steak and foil packet potatoes with sweet corn and cole slaw
Thursday - eating at the state fair. We are off to see Steven Curtis Chapman and Jeremy Camp in concert
I am wearing - a light blue skirt with a paisley blue shirt
I am reading - still working on the Scarlet Letter
I am hearing - games on the computer, music from an ipod dock, children talking to themselves and singing, DYS playing the piano, the washer washing and the dryer drying. It is not quiet around here!
Around the house - We finished the garage sale this weekend. That was a lot of work! Many items donated and a few listed on Craigs list. I am glad to have my bedroom back as it was the staging space for many of the garage sale items.
A few plans for the rest of the week; school, a co-op planning meeting, supervising teacher meeting, and my nieces are coming for the weekend. It should be a busy and active week!
One of my favorite things is learning outside the classroom. Textbooks have their place in life and we use them but some of the most remembered things are the things that we learn by seeing and experiencing first hand.