Simple Woman's Daybook Monday August 17, 2009
Outside My window we are expecting another humid Iowa summer day. Hows that song go, "its going to be a bright, bright sun shinny day"
I am thinking about how much I dislike the month of August. There is something that makes every other month redeemable but not August. Even with all the rain we have had everything has this slightly brown tone to it. The weeds are flourishing. Did I mention its hot and HUMID!
I am thankful for the last four days. MDN's have been staying with us. We have had a good time together and it is always fun to have little ones back in the house.
From the learning room; Activities are filling in nicely for this school year. DYS will be taking Tae Kwondo with one of his friends on Wednesdays. My daughter will hopefully be taking an art class on Thursday afternoons and every other week we will be going to an Excellence In Writing Co-op. Of course we have our regular co-op on Mondays. DYS will continue piano lessons.
From the kitchen;
F- home made pizza
Saturday - Spaghetti
Sunday - taco's
Monday - Left overs
Wednesday - lasagna, french bread and salad
Thursday - hamburgers, sweet corn, watermelon and potatoes on the grill
I am wearing my pajamas but am about to head to the shower. I have not decided on an outfit for today yet. Something to match my pink eye?
I am going to the library today.
I am praying for my grandmother who is having her heart shocked this morning to restore its rhythm. I am also praying for Mr. who has several challenging situations at work that made last week very stressful for him. For DOD who is in bed sick and for DMD and DYS who also have colds
I am reading; Well, not so much reading but watching. I am going to be facilitating level b Excellence in Writing for EIW co-op so I have watched 7 hours of DVD's in the last week. That took up any free reading time I might have had!
I am hearing; the beginnings of stirring in the household. The printer is printing off some activity pages for the MDN's to do.
Around the house there were several things accomplished by Mr. over the weekend. We had intended to install the window for DYS's room but it rained all day Saturday. Instead Mr. remodelled the bunny cage, hauled a trailer full of brush away, and took the tools he wants to sell to the store for storage. He also scrubbed the pool cover front and back so that we could begin using it again. More importantly Mr. took time to take us all to the beach playground and bike trail Sunday afternoon. When we got home, he took ODNs and swam with them for over an hour.
A few plans for the rest of the week; ODN's return to their home tonight. So my immediate plans are for a good nights sleep! Friends from Oregon arrive Wednesday. We have never had house geust before. All of our family and friends are right here within an hour of us. I am so excited to host them. We have not seen them since they moved almost ten years ago. They have lots of other people to visit and things to see when they are here but hopefully, we will provide some decent food, comfortable beds, and clean bathrooms! I have always loved the idea of having a bed and breakfast! Mr. will be attending a meeting at our church. They have decided to create a youth group. I am less than excited about this especially when it is a major shift away from what we had. Currently our church provides a children's program up to the 6th grade. After sixth grade the expectation has been that the children will worship with their families. There is a small group opportunity for 7th grade and older to participate at a Wednesday night small group. Now 7th and up will meet during church services and on Wednesday nights.
One of my favorite things is sweet corn. I love Peaches and Creme sweet corn grown on a Grimes farm near our home! I could eat a dozen ears in one sitting three times a day! I will be making freezer corn this year. I have a wonderful recipe past down from my great aunt that does not involve blanching and produces corn that tastes just like it came off the Cob fresh. I am thinking about 2 dozen ears of corn out to about do the trick!