The Simple Woman's Daybook
Outside My window the construction work continues on the road in front of our house. It is seemingly never ending and there have been so many issues through this process! Yet, there will be some benefits. In order for people to drive through our yard anymore they are going to have to jump a curb and because they lowered grade beyond where our sump pump drains they came in and put in a whole new gravity feed that drains directly to the sewer system. The sump pump used to run every hour on a dry day and has not run once since the new line was put in! In the long run it will be worth all the cut phone lines, noise, parking hassles and loosing two beautiful trees. It looks like it is going to rain again. DOD's friend said, "I did not know Iowa had a monsoon season!" Neither did I!
I am thinking about how good God is to us. We discovered yesterday that the water pump is going out of our suburban. It can be easily fixed here and now. Four days from now and it would have been a nightmare!
I am thankful for small gifts. We had friends over for dinner this weekend and she brought me a bouquet of flowers. It is nice to have people who know you well enough to know exactly the thing that would thrill your heart. Some people are gifted this way. On the same day we were at the farmers market Mr. also bought me a bouquet of flowers. Our home smells fabulous!
From the learning room; The homeschool mommy in me is dying to plan a lap book study for our up and coming trip to New Mexico. There are so many rabbit trails that could be hopped onto and followed. The Navajo Indians history and culture, The desert, The Grand Canyon and on and on the possibilities go.
From The kitchen
M - hmmmm?
T- sandwiches in the car on the way to ball game
W- dinner at small group
Th- clean out the refrigerator / eat what you can find!
Fr- On the road !
I am wearing my pink lands end dress and plaid heels.
I am going to run errands this afternoon. I have to go to the farm store for pet supplies, the bank, and the drivers licence station. DMD needs to get her permit and the book she is studying from is last years book. I also have a return to make at Old Navy and need to stop by the Christian book store to get cards for fathers day and my in laws anniversary which is today.
I am praying for our trip! This is a long time
I am reading Homeschooling High School by Jeanne Gowen Dennis. I quickly discovered some philosophical issues with her but am hoping to gain some helpful information anyway!
I am hearing the sound of road work, the chirping of my canary, and a radio program.
Around the house; Things are looking good. I need to really make sure the garden is weed free before we leave. By the time we come home it will be overgrown.
A few plans for the rest of the week; Preparations are under way for our trip. This is a three fold attack. Phase one; bills paid, errands ran. Phase two; the house, yard and laundry. Phase three; the car.
One of my favorite things is my rain boots! I love wearing them in the garden after a rain. No more muddy feet for me!