Monday June 8, 2009
Outside my window the sun is hiding behind a bank of clouds. We had quite the storms here last night with torrential rains. Tornado's were spotted in our area so we ended up eating our supper in the downstairs bathroom. Thankfully the tornado, straight line winds and hail missed us.
I am thinking about the past weekend and the home school conference. The key speaker was Voddie Bauchman. He was AWESOME! The announcer aptly called it when he said listening to Voddie was like trying to take a drink from a fire hydrant. I feel totally washed in the word, my soul was fed meat! He said frequently, "if you can't say Amen at least say ouch." I said both, many times.
I am thankful that I was able to sit with my entire family at the home school conference. It was an amazing gift to be able to look down the pew and see everyone sitting there together. It made my mommy heart smile.
From the learning room; I did an awesome job at the conference of staying within my budget and getting everything I needed. I was sorely tempted to purchase a new logic curriculum but I managed to avoid that temptation for now. I just said NO. Although I still really want to say yes! Temptation is not always about bad things. To many good things can be bad too.
From the kitchen -
M- we were supposed to be having shredded BBQ beef sandwiches but there was not enough beef left from dinner last night so Mr. and DOD took the left over roast to work for lunch. I am not sure what we will have instead?
T - sandwiches on the go for the softball game
W- kitchen closed
Th- We are traveling with Mr. to a small town about an hour from us that has an amazing pizza joint! Always a treat. While he works we scope out local thrift stores and then get pizza afterwords.
Sat- DOD is making enchilada's for the family. Bonus I love her enchiladas and I don't have to cook!
Sun- picnic dinner at the park.
I am wearing; Why is it that whenever I stay in my pj's past a decent hour someone always shows up at our house? My niece and I spent lots of time cuddling on the couch this morning so I am still in my pajama's although on my way to the shower.
I am going to an Iowa cubs game with our small group tonight. They are having $1.00 admissions.
I am praying prayers of thanksgiving for God's provision for our family for the mission trip that we are going in TWO weeks! I love watching God do his thing!
I am reading Faith Driven family by Voddie Bauchman. WOW!
I am hearing the washer and dryer doing their thing.
Around the house; Despite the cooler weather our pool is seeing use and I am convinced already that it was a wise and prudent investment. The kids get out there and are having a blast! I didn't have to drive them anywhere and sit for hours. The cost is also significantly less than a pool pass to an aquatic center for our family. Mr. has finished the grape arbor and it is beautiful! He is so talented! We are busy freezing strawberries and harvesting daily right now.
A few plans for the rest of the week; My men are needing haircuts. We are headed out to an I cubs game tonight. Tomorrow DYS has a softball game. Thursday we are going on a day trip for Mr.'s business. Sunday Mark Schultz is in concert at a park. We are huge Mark Schultz fans and DMD is especially excited for this event.
One of my favorite things; Eggs. Not just any eggs. I have no affinity for store bought eggs produced in factory farms. When you crack them open they are a pale lemon yellow and sickly looking. No, I love eggs from chickens who experience the out of doors not just the option of being outside, but who actually spend time out of doors. When you crack their eggs open the are neon yellow, deep and dark. No comparison in flavor! I love eggs for dinner. Scrambled, over easy, hard boiled, poached. They all have their place. HMM, I am thinking toasted egg sandwiches for dinner.