Outside my window: all of our snow has melted away. There is still time for a white Christmas so I remain hopeful! It almost reached 60 degrees on Saturday. Sunday morning I did not even wear a coat to church but by 8 p.m. the temperature had dropped 54 degrees. This morning with wind chills it was a -25. BRRRR! What a day for ice skating!
I am thinking about: a message given by Donna Otto about Advent. She commented on Mathew the wise men came, worshipped Christ and then went home a different way. We to should come to the cross, come to Christ in worship and be so affected by what we have experienced that we go home different. My prayer for all of us is that we would be so moved by the coming of Christ and the miracle HE brought that we would all be different after this advent!
I am thankful for: an evening out. Last night we went with friends to a concert. They had extra tickets and invited us along. It was fun to get out of the house with hubby and another couple. We rarely do this.
From the kitchen: my baking marathon is finally finished! This week we will deliver and hand out trays to friends. On them you will find, sugar cookies, Rosette's, chocolate star cookies, almond bark pretzels of chocolate and white, peppermint almond bark candy and peanut butter fudge.
I am wearing: A LOT OF LAYERS! Tights, socks, tan skirt, brown long sleeve t with brown, pink and cream argyle cardigan. Soon to add boots, gloves, hat and coat.
I am creating: a happy home:) It is a hard but accurate truth to say that women set the tone of their homes by their attitudes. We have all heard the adage, if momma isn't happy, nobody is happy. It is my desire to create an atmosphere in our home with a positive, cooperative, loving atmosphere.
I am reading: oh how I wish I were reading something! I am desperate for a good book.
I am hearing: many different happy sounds. Someone is playing a computer game, another is playing the piano, the baby is crying because someone is changing her diaper another is running water in the shower and yet another is singing and dancing around. Its a busy place today!
A few plans for the rest of the week: I am looking forward to a relaxed week. Many of our activities are done until January. Today we are going ice skating. Tomorrow my house is getting a thorough cleaning. Wednesday we will be delivering holiday trays. This weekend we will exchange gifts with my husbands side of the family.
About the photo: The annual Christmas tree hunt family photo.
A quote I love: The hinge of history is on the door of a Bethlehem stable. Ralph Stockman