Monday Dec. 22, 2008
Outside my window: the actual temperature is -4 degrees. It feels like -30 below with the windchill. The last time it was this cold was December 1990. The good news is that the sun is shining and there is snow on the ground! It will be a white christmas.
I am thinking about baby proofing. I think I will save my thoughts on this for a future blog.
I am thankful for a warm house, Gods provision for our family in this cold weather.
From the kitchen: we will be making quesidillas today. I make the shells from scratch. It is a simple recipee but fairly time consuming as we roll them out by hand and cook each one individually. Oh so worth the effort! Heres the recipe
2 cups whole wheat (we use spelt),2 cups white flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup butter and 1 cup warm water. Mix togather, kneed lightly, divide into six balls and let sit for 15 to 20 minuites. Divide each circle several more times and then roll them into thin circles, bake in an ungreased heavy pan. (i use a cast iron skillet).
I am wearing a long sleeve white t under my husbands big fuzzy blue jogging suit and wool socks. Did I mention it is cold!
I am creating a beautiful dinner table for the pastoral team meeting which we are hosting tomorrow night.
I am reading The Home by John R. Rice. The Home was origionally published in 1945 and repeated printing occured every so many years until 1974. All I can say is that it was a very different time in history. How far we have fallen in our morals and biblical understanding since then! One of the most interesting observations was in the chapter entitled Letter to a Young Husband. One of the problems was that the husband felt his wife did not have the same fire for the gospel. The author explains that the husband is the priest of the home and should rightly have more of a desire for the gospel, than his young wife. It is the polar opposite today. The woman complain about their husbands not being "spritual" enough for them. The very thing woman complain about today is the thing which they have brought upon themselves!
I am hearing the sounds of christmas music. I can not believe December has already gone by and Christmas is here this week! It went way to fast for me!
A few plans for the rest of the week; Christmas eve is traditionally held at my mothers house. Christmas morning we host a brunch for our family and any friends who might be around, in town. I make homemade swedish donuts, bacon, sausage, french toast bake, an egg quiche, fruit and juices. We open our gifts in the morning before brunch. Friday we will shop. My mom always gives us gift certificats and we make a big day out of spending them.