I am thinking about: nothing in particular.
I am thankful for: a day off of school! No lessons today and children happily occupied with leisure activities has left me with time to work down my to do list.
From the kitchen: Tonight is our small group Christmas potluck. I am baking a honey glazed bone in ham. Fresh rolls and freezer corn are also our contribution.
I am wearing: The current temptation is to crawl into a warm, fuzzy jogging suit and not come out until June. Its cold and I'm cold! However, I recognize that this would NOT be a blessing to my husband who really does not appreciate coming home to an unkept wife. When our children were young and I was at home everyday, worn out and struggling I lived in jogging suits. My husband who never criticize anything I do (even when it is deserved ) finally looked at me one day and told me that he wished I would wear something else. At the time I was unwise and had an immediate unkind comeback. Why would I dress up to have drool and other body substances smeared all over nice clothing. It simply wasn't worth the effort. The message that got sent was that, he was not worth the effort. I am glad that I am not that wife anymore! So, I will make the effort to put something nice on today, I just am not sure what it will be yet.
I am creating: our families Christmas letter, many Christmas goodies, and beautifully wrapped presents.
I am praying: for the Iowa supreme court as it begins hearings tomorrow on the constitutionality of gay marriage in the state of Iowa. The repercussions of this exceed the effects on marriage, the damage to which has already been done by no fault divorce but to the education of Iowa's children who if this is upheld will be subjected to teachings of the normalcy of such behavior as supported and sanctioned by the state.
I am reading: I just finished two books this past week by Ted Dekker; Sinner and Adam.
I am hearing: My canaries are singing happily this morning. The male whom we call Garbo is quite aggressive in his vocalizations. When he hits those really high notes it can be painful to hear! Greta is the female and is not nearly as aggressive with her vocalization. She mostly just makes happy little noises to let us know that she is there.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Christmas cards and Christmas treats are on our list this week! Every year we put together platter of goodies for friends and people who have been special blessings to us. These platter include; frosted sugar cookies, almond bark chocolate, and white pretzels, rosettes, peppermint almond bark, gingersnaps and , peanut butter fudge. The almond bark pretzels are finished and the sugar cookies are baked but everything still needs to be produced. The Christmas cards are all addressed except that I ran out of cards so I need to place another order to finish them. I also was considering and had started a Christmas letter but I am not sure that I will include it with our card or not. I am hoping that the cards and the platters will be out by this weekend.