Monday, May 09, 2011

Monday May 9, 2011

Outside my window: it is going to be a sunny and warm day. I am looking forward to getting out into the sunshine today!

From the learning room: Its back to the books.

From the kitchen:

Friday: Pizza



Monday: grilled chicken and rice


Wednesday: camp fire supper

Thursday Walking taco's

I am reading: CJ Mahony The Cross Centered Life

I am hearing: pancakes cooking and children eating.

I am praying for an important foster care meeting on Wednesday.

One of my favorite things: Home school camp! We are really looking forward to going this week. I am not looking forward to packing up the troops!

A few plans from the rest of the week: pack, pack, organize, shop, pack and go to home school camp! So excited for three days of FUN at camp! Then its unpack, wash, wash, wash, wash!