Monday, March 21, 2011

Simple Woman's Daybook

Monday March 23, 2011

Outside my window: it is forcasted to be 66 degrees. I am not sure if the sun is supposed to make an appearance or not?

From the learning room: Its our last official day of co-op. We have one dress rehearsal and the play left before finishing off the year. The board has not made any official decisions but I think everyone is leaning towards shutting the co-op down. Our numbers have dwindled to the point that financially it is not reasonable to continue. It is sad for our little ones to think of them not having it in their lives. Mr. told me that we did fine before co-op but it was so long ago I can't even remember it!
We started the kids schedules last week and it went great! Now all I need to do is finish a schedule for myself!

Friday: Purim dinner at church

Saturday: left overs

Sunday: grilled chicken, green beans, salad, terriaki potato

Monday: sloppy Joe's

Tuesday: pizza from our favorite pizza place ZENNOS

Wed: tomato soup and grilled cheese

Thursday: french toast

I am reading: Mittens Strings for God by Katrina Keninson. This has been on my to read list forever and could never get it inter library loaned. I found it and downloaded it to my nook. I also downloaded another book by her called The Gift of Ordinary Days.

I am hearing: a movie playing downstairs.

I am praying: for baby to sleep all night sooner rather than latter. All this sleep deprivation is difficult to deal with and really affecting my days.

One of my favorite things:


A few plans for the rest of the week: We started kindermusic Monday and are looking forward to the next ten weeks of this class! Friday night toddler 2 is having her second birthday party! Family over for pizza, cake and presents. Saturday we are going to our neices gymnastics competition. The rest of the week blissfully calm and home!