Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday June12, 2010

Monday July 12, 2010
Outside my window: looks to be a sunny summer July day in Iowa. Translation HUMID!
I am thinking about: Endurance.
"It is the spirit which can bear things, not simply with resignation, but with blazing HOPE. It is not the spirit which sits statically enduring in the one place, but the spirit which bears things because it knows these things are leading to a goal of glory; it is not the patience which grimly waits for the end but the patience which radiantly hopes for the dawn."
From the learning room:
DYS is off to camp for the week. Last year was the first year year we sent him and I followed the recommended packing list not realizing that the camp allowed food and drinks from home. A little wiser this year we stocked him up.

The focus of his camp is going to be shooting with a side of paintball. He was very excited about his postal score on Saturday. He shot three 25 yard bulls eyes and 1 50 yard bulls eye.
DMD has had quite the tour of San Fransisco with her papa. In one day they took in China town, Little Italy, Pier 39,the Aquarium and toured the bay on cruise to see the bridge and several islands.

In The Kitchen
Friday : Old Chicago
Saturday: My sister invited us over for dinner
Sunday: We ate at camp when we dropped DYS off
Monday: Crackpot chicken and cheesy rice
Tuesday: Spaghetti and meatballs
Wednesday: left overs

I am wearing

I am praying: as George Mathison did, "That I might accept God's will not with dumb resignation but with Holy Joy; no only with the absence of murmur but with a SONG OF PRAISE!"
Praying for Mr. and DMD as they travel home today. For DOD who is finishing up her final week in Seattle before heading back to Sacramento.. For DYS who is at camp. For my unsaved family.

I am reading: catching up with many of the blogs I enjoy online as I have time.

I am hearing: two of nieces are playing UNO. Baby 1 and my other niece are coloring quietly on opposite sides of the table and baby 2 is napping. It is relatively quiet right now unlike the previous three hours which were marked by repeated time outs and a lot of screaming and yelling. Its been a rough morning!

One of my favorite things: Having all of my family under the same roof and asleep in their beds. 16 days and counting!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Mr. and DMD arrive back this afternoon but DMD leaves again in the morning and will come home on Saturday. We will pick DYS up from Camp on Saturday. Otherwise Mr. and I are pretty much on our own with the babies all week. I will actually get some time by myself on Thursday as babies have visit and everyone else will be gone. I am relishing making plans for that day. I am tempted to spend it antiquing or doing something I really enjoy while my left brain is running through all the possible chores I could catch up on.