Monday, June 28, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

Monday June 28, 2o10

Outside my window it is shaping up to be a warm sunny day. I think the high is in the 80's and the low in the 60's. A typical June day.

I am thinking about foolishness. The bible describes three levels of foolishness. There is the simple man. (Proverbs 7:22) "He is week since he has little or no allegiance to God's way. He is easily seduced and naive. He is easily bored and increasingly resistant to correction. "In the spiritual realm, this type of believer has little tolerance for preaching unless it is high in entertainment value.

The fool in Proverbs 14:8 is the simple man who has inherited his folly. "Sustained indulgence leaves him willful and wild. He bristles at restraint, freely shares his misguided opinions, undermines and deceives the authorities in his life, stubbornly insisting on his own way. The fool knows what he wants and is sneaky and deceptive in his pursuits. In the process his conscience is increasingly hardened and his personality and values become more and more shaped by the world around him.

The end product of foolishness is the fool who"becomes aggressively wicked and in the end his life is wasted." He is a scorner. Someone who is open in their ridicule of Christ and who have contempt and disdain for the things of God.

The only way to avoid being foolish is to pursue being like Christ. "Most believers try to deal with worldly influences piecemeal - fighting this or that temptation and arguing about this or that worldly element - and in the process lose the battle in their own souls. There is no standard of to measure the influence of these elements unless one has determined to live an entirely Christ - Centered life in the first place. It is amazing how clear life style issues - often called grey areas - become when examined against the commitment to be thoroughly Christ - centered. '

All quotes taken from Essential virtues by Jim Berg.

From the learning room: DMD has her learners permit and is all signed up for Drivers Ed. This was something I was really in no hurry for but she has the opportunity to take it with a friend and Mr. felt that the money for the class would be well spent.

Friday: ordered pizza
Saturday: left overs
Sunday: ate out
Monday: picnic at Big Creek
Tuesday: Chicken penne pasta
Wednesday: BEC sandwiches
Thursday : BBQ ribs / corn on the cob

I am wearing

I am praying; silent prayers of the heart. There seem to be a lot of relational issues in my life recently. Difficult people, difficult relationships, and no easy answers. It makes me tired.
I am reading or still reading: Essential Virtues, Love and Respect, and the book of James
I am hearing: water sounds. The wash machine running, the sink filling with dish water and the kids playing in the pool.
One of my favorite things: My husband! Who is taking me on a cruise in January to the Mexican Riviera! WOW! And MDOD who is going to take her vacation time to watch her brother, sister, and the babies!
Around the house: The garden is out of control. I am sure that there are plants out there but the weeds have overtaken! We managed to clear the brick path, the main flower bed, and into the tomato plants. That was about 6 hours of weeding. The strawberries are finished and the raspberries are ripening. The grapes and apples are growing well. We have certainly had enough rain!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Our small group was supposed to meet at Big Creek tonight but with all of the rain and flooding the water is not safe to play in. Instead we are headed to Jester for a picnic to play. Several dr. appointments for the babies. A morning quilting with friends. We would also like to go see Toy Story in the theater.