Thursday, February 25, 2010


For quite awhile now I have been bothered by the number of newsletters, sale flyer's, and product information I have been receiving in my email inbox. Most of them are things that I know I signed up for and would actually enjoy reading if I had time. Others emails I can not for the life of me determine how I came to received them! For instance the Northern Sale Flyer. I think my husband had something to do with that one! My management of these emails has been to delete them without reading them. This takes time out of my day and they clutter up my inbox. Its like walking past a room in which the bed has not been made. So, last week I began what I call the great unsubscribe! Every email I have received from any organization I have unsubscribe from unless I actually read it. There are a couple of those :) I have currently unsubscribe from 25 different companies, and newsletters. I am surprised to open my inbox and still have more to unsubscribe from. I really thought that if I spent one day faithfully unsubscribe from things that I would catch all of them. Instead this has become an ongoing process. I look forward to the morning when I open my email and there is no unwanted mail! This is going to make my email more manageable and less time consuming in general. How about you? Do you need to unsubscribe?