Outside my window: The sun is not yet up. Another sign that fall is settling in. It is supposed to be a nice day in the lower 80's.
I am thinking about: an article I just read in which Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis said, " for far to long, Christians have been looking for a political solution to spiritual problem." This is very true when it comes to the marriage issues, abortion, end of life, and any other numerous "politically charged issue." These are not political issues, they are spiritual issues and until the church responds as such this culture will not change no matter who is elected to office.
I am thankful for: my health. I know that I take it for granted most of the time but it is really a wonderful thing to be healthy.
From the learning room: This past week, I took the children to see Joust Evolution. A knight who does stunk tricks and performs at Renaisssane Festivals in the Midwest. The event was put on by 3 Sisters. I assume three sisters who schedule field trips and learning opportunities for home school programs. The presenter did a great job engaging the children. He had a fabulous sense of humor. I thought it was appropriate given our trip this next weekend to the Renaissance festival in Minnesota. This is a picture of DYS trying on the knights helmet. One of things I found to be most fascinating was that in a sword fight, the actors are just following a set pattern. DYS and a friend spent some time over the weekend working out their own sword pattern.
DMD had an experiment this week that took us to a local still water pond where we spent an hour or so exploring.
This was always my favorite thing to do when the children were little. I apparently have not outgrown that! God is revealed to us through his creation and what an amazing creation it is!
From the kitchen: Saturday my sister, mother and I put away 20 dozen ears of sweet corn into the freezers. It took all day and destroyed my kitchen but there is almost nothing else that I gain so much satisfaction from as preserving the fall harvest. I am going to start on our apples this week. Applesauce, apple pie filling and apple chips coming up.
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - hamburgers on the grill
Sunday - DN's birthday party
Monday - sloppy joes
Tuesday - sub sandwiches
Wednesday - crockpot lasagna / Thursday - Egg scrambles
"Let the mealtimes be far more than the fulfillment of necessity. In this home food shall be prepared with grace and eaten with gratitude." Welleran Poltarnees
I am wearing: a cornflower blue skirt, a yellow t shirt and my tennis shoes. There will be lots of running today!
I am going to our first co-op of the 2009-1010 school year.
I am praying for our co-op.
I am reading: The book of Whole Meals. I picked it up at the Iowa Right To Life Book sale for six dollars. Someone obviously new the worth of this book.
I am hearing: my sons hamster running around his wheel. It is amazing how loud that is and that any of us ever sleep through it.
Around the house: Mr. put a screen on my back entryway window. I can't wait for the first day when I can open the house and take advantage of the cross ventilation between windows! The pool is down although the challenge of folding it up remains. Mr. spent hours scrubbing it out and getting ready to fold. Mr. also purchased three doors over the weekend. That is the last three doors this house needs. I was hoping to get them stained this week but I think the apples are going to take priority.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Co-op and small group both begin today. Soccer game tomorrow night. Wed. we have piano and tae kwondo. Thursday will be the first day of art class. This weekend we will be at the renaissance festival. Its going to go fast with so much to do.
One of my favorite things is where I live! I am surrounded by two lakes. Three out of the four roads leading out of town go over bridges and have lovely views. I never fail to appreciate how pretty the area that I live in is.