"Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house." Psalm 128:3
This verse in Psalms is speaking of a blessing for your husband. If he fears the Lord and walks in HIS ways, then his wife will be like a fruitful vine within his house. His children will be like olive plants around your table.... He will be blessed." One of the smelling what I am stepping in comments made by Voddie Bauchman at the home school conference referred to wife swapping where one husband sends his wife out to make money and then hires someone else's wife to raise his children. Neither of the wives in the wife swap are at home being fruitful. They are being fruitful for someone else. Their vines are growing on someone else's building. The work you do outside of your house will provide money and income into your home and there are times and seasons when this is necessary and needed. But, ultimately you are blessing someone else with all of your skills and talents and consequently will be neglecting the vision of your husband and the needs of your children. Disregard for our homes has long term negative ramifications. Likewise choosing to pour ourselves into our homes has long term blessings for those around us.
Scripture tells us that we can not serve two masters. We can either serve the employer or our husband. There will be a time when a choice will have to be made. I had to make those choices when I worked outside the home and many woman I know currently working outside the home continue to have to make that choice. Unfortunately, almost always we lean toward the employer in our decisions because we depend on the money and we know that while our families won't "fire" us our employer can. Although, I do believe that this type of burden is partially the cause of the 50 percent divorce rate. The pressure of determining whether to go home and care for a sick child or stay at work is often not even a choice. The choice was actually made when we left our homes. We can go a step further and say that we will either serve the Lord or we will serve ourselves. Ultimately living out your faith in your home is an act of worship. Serving your family unto the Lord is your worship. That is a high calling!