Simple Woman's Daybook Monday June 20, 2009
Outside my window sod is being laid in our yard. Of course they waited until the end of July to do this. They will only water the sod for one week and then guess who gets to foot the bill for trying to get the sod to root in an Iowa summer. That's right us. Don't even get me started on the fact that the construction company the city chose to use is a company who makes its living off paying illegal aliens a sub standard wage.
I am thinking about my grandmother who has Alzheimer's. She is having a bad day today.
I am thankful that for the first time in two weeks, every member of our family slept under the same roof. All the chitlins are home to roost.
From the learning room; I have started sorting through the curriculum and finished one week of lesson plans for each of the children.
From the kitchen; Vacation is over, its back to the stove for me! YEAH! I have missed cooking for the family!
M - Egg and cheese Frittatas with salad and french bread
T- Grilled hamburgers and chicken with sweet corn, chips and salsa
W- chicken quesidillas
Th - taco bake and salad
Fr - home made pizza
Sat - left overs
Sun - Missions wrap up banquet / rhubarb bars and Italian Salad
I am wearing a navy t shirt and a lime green skirt with navy trim
I am going to hang out at home today. The small group is scheduled to go to an Iowa cubs game. I think everyone will be there tonight.
I am praying for our adoption orientation meeting, the first coop meeting of the year, and
I am reading book number 7 in a Boddie and Theone series called First Watch.
I am hearing large equipment traveling around our house as they prepare to lay sod tomorrow. There is also a lot of traffic noise and they have now closed off the main road one block over and are rerouting traffic onto our street. No one is going the speed limit or stopping at the stop sign.
Around the house; The garden is mostly weed free. What a job that was! In the process of working out there I discovered that we have squash vine bore and tomato blight. There is really nothing that can be done for either. I will replant the squash and hope for the best with the tomatoes. I have a big list for the Mr.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Its a pretty relaxed week around here. We have our first coop meeting of the year on Thursday and then our adoption orientation on Saturday. Sunday I have to teach Sunday school and we have our mission wrap up barbecue.
One of my favorite things: Office Supplies! There is nothing more exciting than new binders and papers! Even better a new planner!