While the whole world seemed to be celebrating earth day on the 22nd of April there were a few of us shaking our heads and wondering what was in those peoples water? Or better yet, what have these people been taught in the educational brainwashing camps better known as public schools? This is a clash of world views which the environmentalists have been primarily responsible for defining. The culture war has many facets but this is the tentacle that has reached out and touched the world. The church and Christendom have not only been silent on the issue but have gotten on the proverbial band wagon of the environmental religion, worshiping the earth instead of God, the created instead of the creator
In the book of Genesis, God created the heavens and earth as well as all of the animals and man. He gave man his special breath of life. He gave them soul. God then said to them that they should go forth, multiple and have dominion over the earth. God gave us every good thing for our use. Adam named the animals indicating his care of them in the garden. As Christians we understand this concept as stewardship, the taking care of another's property. We were given the earth for our use but it is not ours. All things belongs to God.
An environmentalist looks at this same issue from an entirely different world view. They believe that the earth was here before us, that we evolved from it and that we as human beings are actually a plague on its existence. The end view of this philosophy is that the human race ultimately should be removed from the planet. Without a God who is control of the earth that HE created, the environmental movement is driven by fear and motivated by greed. One recent commercial I heard on the radio had a group of children listing off things that they would receive in the next year. One child was getting a new bike but the next child was expecting catastrophic regional flooding. Another child anticipated a wonderful materialistic gift while the next kid in line got an unpleasant surprise in the form of a drought. There were no facts presented, but it is very effective in creating this overwhelming feeling of impending doom if we don't act immediately to save the planet from ourselves. The environmentalist are profiting from the "global climate crisis." Note that it is no longer global warming because they could not prove that, nor is it the impending ice age which was all the rage when I was a child. When you create something like carbon credits out of the blue sky and then sell them to people so that they can pollute at a higher rate than those of us who can't afford to buy them, your motivation is money and greed.
The choices I make about recycling, using cloth bags, planting heirloom seeds, gardening or buying organic food are based on stewardship and what the bible tells me about the earth. I have been doing those things longer than the environmental movement has been "in". I believe that if we are about to have an ice age than it is ordained by God. Its not going to happen because I am on the planet breathing and raising cows for food or driving a suburban. I have confidence that all things happen according to God's will including "global warming". Environmentalist believe that they have the control and that they can ward off an environmental crisis by earning money on carbon credits. They are dangerously delusional and sucking more and more people into their delusions of grandeur.
As Christians we need to stop allowing environmentalists to frame all of these issues and start defining them according to God's standard. When Christians get their worldview right it will impact the culture for Christ.