This was perhaps the easiest room for me to spring clean. It is carpeted so there were no area rugs to be cleaned. There were no major organization projects to work on. I had just redone the bookshelves. There were two projects for this room that I wanted to focus on. The first project was to find pictures for several empty picture frames. Mr. built these beautiful pictures shelves for me as a Christmas gift but there are still a couple of frames without pictures! I planned some time to sort through pictures.
The second project was to measure the bay windows so that the next time I was in town I could look for different window curtains. I don't necessarily have anything in mind but I would like to do something different there.
When I got to the school closet I pulled materials that we are no longer using. They went to the sale pile. I also started a box for each childs school work so that as they complete books they can just pack them away.
Below is a list of some helpful hints!
- Enjoy the process and have fun!
- Evaluate each room for its function, purpose, and beauty
- Make changes - move things around. You don't have to buy new, use what you have!
- Start at the top and work your way down
- Start inside and work your way out
- Move things you don't normally move or things that you normally dust and vacuum around
- Get at eye level with whatever you are cleaning - clean on your hands and knees
- Make three piles; trash, donations, and sale. Then purge remember to "keep no item that is not being used or beautiful !