Outside my window: the laundry is drying in the breeze. It is a beautiful day for November in Iowa. The forecast calls for the weather to deteriorate as the week progresses so I set myself to washing all the bedding in the house this morning. It may be the last time I am able to hang it out until spring.
I am thinking: about a quote that a friend shared with me from a speaker at the true woman conference. She said the lady was a prominent pastors wife who had suffered from a bout of depression. During that period of her life she would tell herself everyday, "I will not embarrass my GOD. I will not embarrass my husband." I could do a lot worse than to live that out everyday!
I am thankful: for the promises of God. Psalm 100: 5 says, "For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting. And his faithfulness to all generations."
From the Kitchen: Corn tortilla chicken lasagna. Its a new to me recipe designed to feed a crowd. Small group dinner is at our house tonight. I have not settled on a dessert yet. I will be feeding a crowd for the rest of the week as I am watching a dear friends precious children for four days.
I am wearing: a navy t shirt with a green print skirt. The edge of the print has navy trim.
I am Creating: a quote book. I have been working on this project for several years so it is an ongoing collection. I like quote involving motherhood, home life, and children, education, dress, and being a wife for example. Someday when my days are filled with leisure time (haha) I will organize them but for right now they are just hand written in a journal as I find them.
I am reading:
I am praying: for tomorrows election. Specifically that Christians would not vote out of fear or the worse of two evils. Instead that their eyes would be focused on eternity and that their vote would reflect it. I am not answerable to anyone but God and he has clearly set forth principles of government that this country was based on. It is our responsibility to vote for someone that we act on those principles.
I am hearing: the whirl of the dehydrator as I make some more apple chips, the sounds of monopoly being played and the chiming of Disney.com.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Our normal Tuesday of grocery shopping, fitness club and piano lessons. Wend will be a challenge. I had to shift Thursdays activities to Wednesday so we will have science club, bible study, a program at the library on how to use resources, awana and small group for the rest of the family. Thursday our friends children are coming to stay for four days so we have wiped the calender clean of everything. This will give us flexibility and a relaxed atmosphere that we will all be able to enjoy.