About the picture: My two beautiful daughters on our recent trip to Minnesota. We left at 6:00 a.m on Saturday, drove to the outlet mall at Fairbou Mn. Then onto the mall of America and IKEA. We got home at midnight. It was a whirl wind trip.
Outside My Window: There is a cold wind blowing, the sun has gone into hiding and it is chilly! Yesterday the wind was so bad that the guests to my daughters birthday party had to travel a good half hour out of their way to get here. The main route into our town is a mile long bridge that they closed because the wind was so reaching gusts of 60 miles per hour.
I am thinking: about a friend whose children are in public school. She had signed a form to opt her child out of an activity that they felt was inappropriate. The teacher forgot and the child was exposed to the information. Mistakes happen and the teacher whom I know personally did just that. He forgot and he feels terrible. But how it happened or that it was a mistake is not really the issue. The issue is that when you give up control of your children's education, spiritual and moral development to the government for 9 hours a day, you are living an illusion if you think you have any control.
I am thankful: for my nieces and the amount of time that I am able to spend with them! They bring me so much joy!
From the kitchen: T0day was a day of gathering. We drove out to Picket Fence Creamery and stocked up on milk, hamburger, chicken, and roasts. I bought flax seed with the intent to try and make some crackers in my dehydrator. When I picked up the flax seed I also picked up steel cut oats so will put those to soak tonight and give them a try in the morning. We pulled the last of the apples today as we are to get a hard freeze tonight so those will need to be dehydrated.
I am wearing: A long denim skirt, tights, and a multi colored sweater. I love this sweater because one of the green stripes perfectly matched my green suede boots. I also love it because I got it at the local salvation army for 99 cents! In fact my whole outfit cost about five dollar
I am creating: I always struggle with this one. I am either not a very creative person which I don't this is true, or I am just to busy to be creative which I think is probably more accurate.
I am reading: The Truth War by John Macarther. There have been quite a few AMEN moments while reading this book! He is discussing the emergent church as well as our postmodern society. I am only a couple chapters into but can at least say that his explanation of those ideals is very well laid out and clearly articulated.
I am praying: for the church of Christ to be hearers, knowers and doers of the truth.
I am hearing: Zach is playing computer games, Emily is watching her art lesson DVD, the girls are playing for trouble and the baby is babbling. The house is definitely NOT quite right now!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Tuesday; physical activity for Zach and grocery shopping / errands. Wednesday; awana and life group for the kids. Thursday; 4H training for me and then swimming for the kids. Friday; NOTHING! Saturday; the largest craft show of the year. Sunday; church and REST. One of those days I am going to go over and visit my grandmother. Its been two weeks since I have been over to house. We were traveling and then recovering. She was here Sunday for my daughters birthday so that was nice. Still, she enjoys the visits.