Saturday, September 30, 2006

Missing the Heart Of Christ

I know many biblically literate people. Not only do they know where all the books of the bible are located and in what order, they know their way around a concordance and have computer programs that will reduce each word in the bible to its original language and give the original definition. Yet, they do not believe that what is plainly written is the truth. They don't truly believe in creation. They believe in creation but...... They know the gospel and can quote all the right verses and yet they don't really believe that those verses are for everyone. Jesus died on the cross for them but..... Somehow they think that their money, their beautiful homes and their intellagence has made them better than the average person standing next to them.

We all judge people. Make snap calls based on how they look or how they talk. I did that this week. I judged someone based on all those things. And that person in turn showed me the Grace of Christ. In a situation where I had (although unintentional) violated her privacy she chose in a split second to be Christ. She accepted my apology with grace and strength of character that I hope to someday to posses. Life has been hard for her and will continue to be difficult due to the circumstances of her family but she has chosen Christ. The Christ of the bible. The Christ who came for the weary and downtrodden. The Christ who healed lepers and ate at the table of the tax collector.