Monday, May 03, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook: May 3rd, 2010

Monday May 3rd, 2010

Outside my window the sun is shining. It is going to be a beautiful day!

I am thinking that it was exactly 6 weeks ago today when I last posted the simple woman's daybook. I wrote it that morning and we received our little house guests that evening.

From the learning room: We are back to school today. To kick us off I will be having conferences with each of the kids to see where we we were before all of our traveling and to set some goals for finishing the year well. While our books have been closed for several weeks, we have been learning alot about being the hands and feet of Christ in a family. This is the first time in all my years of home schooling where "life" happened and took priority over everything else.

In My kitchen I have been operating out of survival mode. Fast, easy to make and easy to clean up has been the goal for the last 6 weeks! We are starting to move out of that. I even made with home made ravioli this weekend with lots of help from the kids! It tasted WONDERFUL!

Friday: Ravioli
Saturday: home made pizza
Sunday: left overs / kids ate at church / I ate at Frudruckers for a coop meeting
Monday: Ribs, potatoes and grilled asparagus
Tuesday: Hoagie sandwiches and chips at softball game
Wednesday: bbq roast beef sandwiches
Thursday: a friend is bringing us a meal!

I am wearing : see pic
I am praying: For God's will to be done at a court date for our little house guests this week and for the strength and grace to receive from God's hand that which he has planned for us.
For our children's growth and continued adjustments to what our family looks like now.
For our oldest daughter who flew home for the funeral of my grandmother and who flies back to California on Wednesday. She is in the process of making some decisions regarding what she will be doing in the next year.
Health for our family! Everyone has been sick in the last month and after just a couple days with no runny noses our little house guests are coughing and sneezing again!
I am reading: No time for reading, it has fallen to the way side. I have been tapped to help start a library ministry at our new church and am really looking forward to that.
I am hearing the tapping of computer keys. Everyone in this very full house is sleeping except for me and I have showered and am on my way to being farely prepared for the waking up of the troops.
Around the house: Dear son mowed the lawn for the first time this spring and got most of the yard weed eated before he ran out of string. The garden is a disaster. We have not cleaned it out, tilled or planted anything yet! I have two pots on the front porch. Mr. broke one last year but glued it back together. This year Dear son broke it and so I need to go and buy new pots for the front porch. I am anticipating sticker shock when I go to do this. The current pots were purchased at Goodwill pretty inexpensively. Rhubarb is ready to pick! I am hoping to make some rhubarb crisp this week.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Priority one today is to get my children's passports for their summer missions trip. We are running out of time to get them before they have to leave! My main housekeeping goal this week is to wash every ones bedding! We have a court date for our little house guests as well as a couple Dr. appointments. One of our local home school groups is having their annual buy sell and trade. Home school softball has started. Mr. is coaching again this year and dear son is playing. Plus all of our normal activities.
One of my favorite things: Lilacs! Our tree we planted last year has one lilac bloom right outside our window!