Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation has taken its toll at our house. Today I opened up my cleaning cabinet and noticed that a bottle of oxy clean laundry stain remover was sitting on the shelf. I stood and looked at it, trying to make sense of why it was on the shelf because I had gone to the laundry mat the night before and I could have sworn that I used the oxy clean stain remover on the babies clothes. In fact, I thought I used ALOT of that stain remover. When we came home I left the laundry detergent and stain remover in the car. Slowly it occurred to me that I had obviously not taken the stain remover with me so what on earth had I used on the clothes as stain remover? It turns out that I used the oxy clean carpet cleaner as a stain remover! I could really use some sleep!