Sunday, September 06, 2009
I don't get it
I am feeling more than a little confused. I don't make a habit of watching the news or reading the papers because I don't feel as though either offer an unbiased view of events. However, in passing the other day I happened to see that some people, supposed conservative peoples, were upset that President Obama was going to address the nations school children in a speech. He wanted to tell them to work hard and to get good grades. People were so upset by this that they were threatening to keep their kids home. I don't get it. Conservatives send their kids off to public school where they are taught every conceivable opposite value that their parents hold dear and these parents don't bat an eye. Children learn in history class that America is bad and that most of the worlds problems are caused by us. They go to literature class and they read pornography or trash instead of classics. They go to P.E. class and they learn how to put condoms on bananas. Then they are given free condoms because there is no way that they can control themselves. Their schools host gay pride day and offer acceptability to alternative life styles. None of these things upset these conservative parents enough to pull their kids out of the public school but the President wanting to address their children, that sends them over the edge. Several people were quoted as viewing this as an socialistic move to undermine parental authority and increase the socialist mentality of the children. Well, duh! The public school is a socialist invention! The public schools whole purpose is to undermine the parents authority and values and instill socialist values. This does not bother the conservative parents? How bizarre.