December 1, 2008 Simple Womans Daybook
Outside my window: The wind is blowing and the ground is covered with snow. Our oldest daughter was unable to travel back to school because of the road conditions last night and got to stay an extra night with us, for which we are thankful! We won't see her again until Christmas break in three weeks.
I am thinking: About our family traditions. We have quite a few including replacing our normal answering machine message with a Christmas carol. This tradition is only two years old and already its a favorite.
I am thankful: for Thanksgiving. How wonderful to have a day set apart in an year, specifically to honor God in his provisions for us. My husband read Psalm 100 as our prayer this year.
From the kitchen: Tastes Like Thanksgiving Casserole in the crock pot. This is a fun way to use up left over turkey. I mix 4 cups turkey, 1/2 cup sour creme and 2 cans of cream of chicken soup and put this in the bottom of the crock pot. I whip up some mashed potatoes or use left over. In the mash potatoes I mix 4 oz of creme cheese and a little milk. I put this on top of the turkey mixture and top with cheese. Cook on low for 4 -6 hours until hot. I am the only one in my family that likes corn but you can put a layer of corn between the turkey and the potato or mix up and add a layer of stuffing.
I am wearing: a black turtleneck sweater, a black and white knit skirt, black hose and black ballerina flats.
I am creating: advent wreaths and bell angels with my nieces.
I am praying: for my daughter who is driving back to school right now. For my other two children who are involved in a play with our coop group as tonight is opening night!
I am reading: Christmas lists and ads!
I am hearing: Mighty to Save by Laura Story. MY FAVORITE SONG!
A few plans for the rest of the week: I wish I could say some rest and relaxation were on the schedule for the rest of the week but that is not going to happen! We hosted Thanksgiving this year, which I love doing and had a wonderful day. Friday we spent the day shopping, enjoying the crowds and being out and about. It was the first time in over 6 months that I had been in a mall. Saturday we went to the tree farm and picked out our Christmas tree. MDH and MDS cut the tree down. We spent the rest of the day beginning what will be weeks of baking! Our first batch of sugar cookies and chocolate covered pretzels are finished. Sunday we decorated the tree and the house, trading out our fall decorations for holly and pine. We also had a family picture taken. Needless to say I feel a little over run at the moment! It is good to be busy with family and all of those activities involved my family and family traditions. No rest here though, we are off and running into a week full or regular activities.