I have been saving my pennies for new bar stools. Ours have seen better days (like 14 years ago when they were new!). I had decided on saddle stools and had done some shopping around but had not found the quality I wanted at what I considered a reasonable price. When I picked up the mail today I spotted an ad from Bed Bath and Beyond. There they were, saddle stools in the exact dark wood stain at a decent price. There was also a $5.00 off coupon. I was so excited that I bribed my son with a trip to Target to look at Lego's to get him to go to Bed Bath and Beyond with me. Zach hates shopping more than vegetables. I measured the bar stools at home so that I would know what size to get and off we went.
Now, here is where the female part of my brain kicked in. I measured the stools and the tape measure very clearly said 24". However, when I got to the store, the stools that were 24" looked to short. I sat in one and I did not remember having to sit quite so far down when I sat at the counter at home. I tracked down a store clerk who provided a tape measure so that I could double check the measurement of the stools. Just in case the box was labeled wrong. They weren't. Two phone calls to my husband latter and a consultation with my sister who also did not remember have to sit down so far and I decided to purchase the 29" bar stools. The conclusion was that when we were up to the counter we more slid onto the stool than sat. Feminine intuition is not always right. I will be returning the 29" stools tomorrow and in exchange for the 24" stools that I should have gotten in the first place. Of course my patient husband knew this all along but he happily put the stool together for me and just as happily took it apart so I could return it! A man would have measured the stool at home, walked into the store without any hesitation and bought the 24" stools.