Monday, January 28, 2008

Disgruntled Voter

I would like a bumper sticker, t-shirt, or button that says; I Survived the Iowa Caucus! I survived thirty plus political phone calls a day, an avalanche of mail that still has me grieving for what must be a significant portion of rain forest and an onslaught of emails. I am still trying to figure out how they got my email address. I consider myself a conservative in all arenas; social, political and economically and would usually label myself as a republican. Right now I would label myself just plain fed up. Every republican president that I can remember has been pro life. What good has this done? Despite line item veto, despite their "moral" beliefs, each and everyone of them has allowed federal dollars to fund abortions and planned parent education programs that feed the abortion mills. The same could be said for every government employee that I have voted on. No one is willing to stand up. They seem to think that they should elect conservative supreme court justices and then they could overturn it. Never mind that Roe V. Made made law and that is a clear violation of the constitution. The truth is that they hall out their rhetoric on the campaign trail and promptly forget about it upon entering office. These people are not truly pro life. Its just what they say to get elected.

I don't believe any of them and I am tired of the republican party hauling out the same old same old. The crop this year is the worst yet. I am also tired of voting for the worse of two evils. I would like to vote for someone that I can actually believe in. Now that would be real change.