Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Where are the Titus 2 women?

I am a long term thinker and planner. LLLLLOOOOONNNNGGGGG term. I have one child about to graduate from high school, I have another child three years away from driving and one child just a few years behind her. They take up a lot of my time. Raising kids is a 24/7 job and one I would not trade for anything. But what do I do when they are raised and gone? It seems to be the cultural norm that if you stay home with your children there is a point and time where you are supposed to enter the work force. As I talk with older woman they almost always have begun a second career as soon as their children become school age. There are very few examples of woman that continue to minister in their homes once their children have started homes of their own. I have one friend who has never been able to have children. She has worked off and on through out her marriage but always found that a job took away from her ability to keep her home for her husband. She would come home as equally tired as her husband and be unable to meet his needs. Instead of her being his help meet she expected him to help her. It left them both feeling dissatisfied. How blessed her husband is to find a clean home, a refreshed and cheerful wife and a hot meal when he comes home.

Aside from this primary relationship the church as a body is affected in ways that are immeasurable. It is hard to find a bible study for woman being held in a church that involves raising children, being a good wife or fulfilling traditional roles. The bible studies are more focused on hospitality and evangelism. The older woman are not available to teach the younger ones what they themselves have not done. If everyone is at work who serves the body? Who has time to take a meal to a shut in or go for a visit? In today's mobile society there is a large number of woman separated by many miles from her family. Who helps her when her children are sick or blesses her with a babysitter for a night out with her spouse.

I believe that these woman are missing out on the blessing God has for them if they would but fill the role he planned for them. Titus 2 3-5 says "The aged Women ... May teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed."